Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Our class saint is St Patrick. When he was a teenager, he was captured by Irish pirates who took him to Ireland as a slave. After six years, Saint Patrick escaped and returned to England and his family.
When Saint Patrick became a priest, he travelled back to Ireland as a missionary so that he could teach the people about God. He used examples to explain the mysteries of the faith in simple ways. One day, Saint Patrick compared the Trinity to a shamrock. He said that the shamrock has three leaves, but it is only one plant. In the same way, God is three people, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, but one God.
Topic this term includes: Burps, Bottoms and Bile Open wide – let’s look inside! We’re on a voyage of discovery to investigate the busy world inside your body. This half-term, we’ll find out about different dental procedures and learn new scientific vocabulary.
At school, we’ll use this information to write toothy fact files. There will be lots of investigating as we learn about our different teeth, how to brush them and how sugary drinks affect them. We’ll examine the amount of sugar in different foods and create images of ourselves with healthy and unhealthy teeth.
We’ll write a story describing the journey a piece of food takes through the digestive system. In science, we’ll learn about the organs involved in digestion and make our own wearable digestive systems in D&T. We’ll learn about digestion in different animals and handle a range of digestive organs.
Misty Mountain, Winding River This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and their environment.
R.E Galilee to Jerusalem: Where the children will consider the question by Jesus to Peter, ‘Who do you think I am?’ The healings of Jesus and Jesus as the Messiah. Desert to Garden: Exploring Lent, forgiveness and reconciliation. Easter traditions from Matthews Gospel and parables.
P.E and Games: Monday afternoon. Children will be allowed to wear their school PE
World Book Day 2024